Monday, January 31, 2011

Today is The First Day of The Rest of My Life...

So the last time I posted was on Saturday and my 1-day vacation from blogging turned into the entire weekend of a sort of soul searching mission. I can’t really say that I was able to fully figure out anything (I mean, who can find answers to such a deep topic in only 2 short days)? I did however, spend a lot of time crying, talking to God and reading. I think the part that really helped me the most was the crying and talking to God, I expressed a lot and got a lot out. I went through so many emotions from anger; to sadness to confusion to a bit of a calming effect though I am still rattled  a little inside, I can  say it’s not as bad as it was.  

I really wanted to thank those of you who left comments and encouraging words for me, it really helped and was just nice to see! I’ve decided to start my day with the mindset that today is the first day of the rest of my life and just take it one day at a time, see what happens and not be so hard on myself. I know God loves me, I mean he died for my sins so I could be saved and given everlasting life, how much more could someone love me! I also know that though I can’t always hear him and at times I get frustrated with not getting an answer from him right away, I have come to realize that he’s always on time with his plan for my life. I plan to post later today with something a bit a more cheerful but I just wanted to give an update right now. Also I’m in the process of rearranging my blog and making some changes so please bear with me as I take this editing thing one step at a time!

Keep Reading,  


  1. Praying for you...sometimes we cannot see how valuable we are or the differences we have made in the lives of others. But the fact remains that you are valuable and you do make a difference!

    joy & blessings to you dear one!!


  2. hang in there! I just found your blog and will be here when things get sorted out to read what's next. I love your header and it seems like whatever you do to the blog will look neat!

  3. Things will come into focus. Following you from Monday's hop.
    Debbie from

  4. This is my first time visiting your blog, and I am so sorry that I visit during what seems like such a hard time! God does hear you. One thing I have learned the past few weeks is that maybe sometimes when I dont feel like I am receiving a direct answer to my prayers it is because God trusts me enough to make my own decision. Otherwise, you will get your answers in due time:-) Good luck and hope all works out!

  5. Found you thru Mingle Monday - sorry you're going thru a tough time, I'll keep you in my prayers. Stay on blog-cation as long as you need! Hope everything works out for you. Love your blog, by the way. :)

    <3, your newest follower!

  6. One verse that I know God revealed to me during a tough time was from Psalms: "Weeping may remain for a night, but rejoicing comes in the morning." That was during a time that I felt so alone and sad, and it was like a promise that things will always get better. God has a perfect plan for each of our lives, and it's promised that the "steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord." Spend some time in Psalm 37--it's full of really awesome encouragement when you're feeling down. I remember reading the entire thing while sobbing at how much I was loved. It's pretty cool. :)



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