Friday, January 21, 2011

Week Updates

My week started out pretty good, I had a four day weekend because I was off last Friday and had MLK Day  offon Monday, then Tuesday we had a 2 hour delay at work because of a crazy ice storm that hit.  I arrived at work safely and later that day I had a job interview which, well…

I’m still waiting to hear back but being the Christian that I am, I have faith that God will bless me with this job no matter how much I may have bombed the interview! I'm competing with about 20 other applicants and am a nervous wreck!

Wednesday rolled around and nothing out of the ordinary happened except one of my department directors gave me some tips on what I should do in the event that I make it to the second round of interviews so I took her advice and am keeping an open mind…

Thursday I was feeling pretty bummed out and realized that I had lost a few pounds because I had been cutting out a lot of calories from my impromptu diet so that cheered me up until I noticed that the Art House Projects that I had already paid for had not yet arrived at my house and the date to get the project postmarked and mailed in already passed! What a waste of $25, good thing I still have one more project to participate in! UGGH!! BTW: I emailed Art House to complain and still have not heard back, figures!

Then I woke up this morning with a bad case of the blues and I have no idea why.  I barely made it into work and didn't feel like doing anything so I decided to check out my blog when I noticed that I had a few comments congratulating me on being featured on FTLOB. WWWHHAATT....I almost peed with excitement! Lol, maybe that was TMI but, hey it cheered me up after a somewhat horrible week! 

So Thank you For The Love of Blogs!!!


  1. Sorry You had such a bad week! Hope next week is better! :-)

  2. Thank you for checking out my blog! Sorry you had such a cruddy week, keep your chin up the best in life is yet to come! :)


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