Wednesday, May 4, 2011

I really love this idea that I found over on Kate’s blog, Love is Everywhere so I’m “stealing” it!!  It’s called 30 Days of Truth. So my plan and of course we all know how well plans often work out, but my “plan” is to post an entry each day covering the topic listed for that day. The reason I’m doing this is not only to share my soul with others but also to find out more about myself. I have been journaling since I was in 4th grade,  I always had a diary and carried it wherever I went making notes and writing my thoughts down and one thing that I seemed to realize was that I seem to learn something about myself that even surprised me at times!

So here’s the catch (yes, everything comes with a price), I have to be completely HONEST in my entries, no sugar coating and no holding back! Post comments if you’d like, I’ve love to read what you think about my “truthdom”. Hey, I just made that word up but it seems to be relevant to the topic!

Also, just so you know, I have created a new tab called 30 Days of Truth on the top tab bar where you can refer back to the topics I will be writing about and they will link you to the entry if you happened to miss one and want to catch up!  
Of course this will take some time to get all the links in as I have not started writing my entries for 30 days of truth yet.

So go check out the new tab and find out what SECRETS about myself I will be sharing in the upcoming days! 

Keep reading, 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for following my blog! I'm planning a giveaway for my readers and I need help coming up with giveaway ideas so that I can include my international readers too. I'd love your input, check out my latest post =)


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